NCH is part of Endeavor Health

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We offer a wide range of classes taught by registered nurses, both to better help you prepare for childbirth and to care for your newborn. Register early as classes fill up quickly. The best time to register is during your fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. 

As we continue to navigate this pandemic, please note that we are offering a variety of in-person, virtual, and hybrid classes and the format is subject to change.

We also offer education programs on labor and delivery, the postpartum period, breastfeeding support, newborn care and much more through our NCH Baby app powered by YoMingo

A New Baby…Now What? Class

Learn hands-on basic care and survival techniques to get through the first month at home with a new baby. This class will cover basic baby care, including comforting a crying baby, how to know if your baby is sick, when to call the doctor and proper car seat installation.

Baby Café

Guided by experienced lactation consultants, the group offers a weekly topic for discussion and resources for moms. This class is held in person weekly. Please call 847-618-8545 for more information or to register.

  • Every Wednesday, 1–2:30 pm
Breastfeeding Class

A registered nurse specializing in lactation provides info and demonstrates techniques to help new mothers maximize their opportunity to establish successful breastfeeding. The benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby are also shared. Partner/support person welcome. Learn about our breastfeeding support services.

Infant and Child CPR Safety Class

This class teaches the American Heart Association’s techniques for infant and child CPR and first aid techniques for choking. Participants will have an opportunity to practice techniques on a mannequin. Infant and child safety topics will be discussed, including childproofing your home.

Prepared Childbirth Class

These are guided learning classes and are recommended during the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. A class outline, interactive app, and book will be provided prior to the first class to facilitate independent learning prior to each class.  Certified registered nurse instructors will then review content and expand on important topics.  The class teaches all aspects of childbirth and is held on three consecutive weeks.  Instructions include relaxation exercises, breathing techniques and comfort measures.  The class offers a detailed description of all phases of labor and birth including medical interventions, anesthesia, and options for labor.

Click the button below to view class availability. The session dates are listed at the bottom of each class registration page. Reminder all classes are 3 sessions long and will specify if it is held in-person or virtually.

Tours of the Women’s Center at NCH

All of the childbirth classes include a tour.

This tour is for couples not participating in prepared childbirth programs at NCH. The NICU will be included as a part of the tour.

Watch our virtual tour

Mother-Baby Hour

A free NCH-sponsored program where new moms can share the uncertainty of everyday motherhood in a relaxed environment. You and your baby are invited to join one of our perinatal educators at First Presbyterian Church, 302 N. Dunton in Arlington Heights every Tuesday from 10–11:30 am. 

Super Brother/Super Sister Classes

This class helps prepare children ages 2 and older for a new baby’s arrival. The class includes a slide show and a puppet movie about being a new big brother or sister. There is a discussion about how to hold, diaper and feed a baby. A visit to the nursery window may be included. Children must be accompanied by at least one parent.